Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
Engineering, Design and Construction Services
2012 Moraine Environmental, Inc. All rights reserved.
766 Tower Drive
Fredonia, WI 53021
Phase II Activities
Bulk Asbestos sampling, Radon testing, mold testing, drinking (well) water testing
can all be conducted by Moraine. As a part of this testing, the specific analytical
results will be compared to the State Regulatory Standard. Based on the review,
written recommendations will be made to lessen or abate the problem. The above
activities are low cost; $150.00 - $1,500.00 and take two weeks to complete.
Phase II Subsurface Investigations determine the concentration of contamination
in the soil and / or groundwater.
Phase II subsurface investigations are typically required by the jurisdictional
regulatory agency. Phase II investigation can be used to establish baseline levels of
contamination from a gasoline station, dry cleaner, manufacturer or any other
potential contaminant source. Subsurface contaminant investigations are used to
define the horizontal and vertical volumes of soil and / or groundwater
contamination if present, thereby evaluating the potential options for remediation
to include soil vapor extraction, excavation, chemical injection of soils and
bedrock. Various options are discussed below.
Phase II Subsurface Soil / Groundwater Investigations range in cost from $3,000.00
- $12,000.00 depending upon the parameters (chemicals) being assessed and the
size and complexity of the contaminant plume in the soil and / or the
Investigative Drilling Activities
Geoprobe® Investigations are by far the most cost effective method of evaluating
the extent of soil and / or groundwater contamination. Moraines Geoprobe® unit
is 66 DT track mounted unit capable of collecting soil samples to depths of 50’ or
greater depending upon soil type. A two inch diameter “macro core” is
pneumatically driven to the desired depth using 5’ long 1 ½” diameter drive rods.
Soil cores can be collected from 0 – 5’, 5 -10’, 10 – 15’, etc., thereby providing a
continuously sampled soil profile to the desired depth. Decontamination of the
macro core and rods is completed after each pneumatic push. The cores can be
visually observed, screened for levels of the contaminant, classified by soil type,
collected and preserved for analysis, thereby identifying the vertical and
horizontal extent of contamination (or lack thereof).
If water samples are required, 1” diameter slotted 5 foot lengths of PVC pipe can
be threaded together to collect groundwater samples from the desired depth.
Following collection, the water samples can be preserved for analysis.
Dual Tube Geoprobing™ can also be conducted if the Geoprobe® boring collapses
due to the type of soils (i.e. sands and gravels). The dual tube method allows for a
larger diameter casing (2 ½ to 3 ½”) with an expendable point to be driven
vertically, a sand pack installed and the exterior casing removed while the
expendable point is left in place. Larger diameter temporary monitoring wells can
also be installed by this method.
Using the Geoprobe, Moraine can also perform subsurface soil classification and
depth to bedrock or sub grade aggregate for municipalities in advance of
performing sewer, water and roadbed construction and reconstruction. This
testing is extremely helpful in drafting the bid specs to inform contractors of sub
grade characteristics.