About Us
Moraine Environmental, Inc. (Moraine) is an engineering consulting firm providing environmental support services to the industrial, municipal, commercial and residential sector since 1993. Based in Fredonia, Wisconsin, Moraine has satisfactorily served clients in seven states.

Moraine prides itself on an innovative and progressive staff of experienced engineers, scientists, hydrogeologists, drillers, and other environmental specialists.

Moraine has a reputation for being responsive and cost effective to the clients we serve.
Moraine can proudly claim that 75% of projects and new business are generated by referrals from present and former clients....a trustworthy testimonial to the philosophy, business ethics and integrity of the firm's employees.

Successfully addressing complex environmental issues cost effectively and utilizing a common sense approach has been the mainstay at Moraine. The staff at Moraine has been multi-trained in the various disciplines to allow our project personnel to see the full picture of a project rather than just a portion of it.
Engineering, Design and Construction Services
2012 Moraine Environmental, Inc. All rights reserved.
766 Tower Drive
Fredonia, WI 53021